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Exercises For Inner Thighs

For best results the correct exercises for inner thighs must be performed

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Exercises for Inner Thighs

How to Get Great Thighs

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Women like to have legs of steel, strong, toned and fat-less. Although, to accomplish your quest, you need determination and a good lifestyle. Read on.


  1. Accept challenges. In school or your job, don't use the elevator and climb the stairs. If there is any problem about your schedules, try to get up a little earlier.
  2. Have a good diet. Eat vegetables, and have a rich variety of food. Eat colorful dishes, full of protein, fibre and vitamins. Avoid fast-food, sugar and salt.
  3. Prevent cellulite. For the cellulite, drink 5-8 glasses of water per day. Remember that water is also present in soup, vegetables and fruit.
  4. Go jogging everyday if you can, at least for 20 minutes. If you don't have the time, try to go at least twice a week. Use comfortable clothes, and bring your water bottle to complete the step above.
  5. Exercise. When you are at home, do a short workout using your musics. Run, walk, do leg exercises in 20 minutes of music. Do this everyday and it will make the difference.
  6. Do squats. These are great to lose thigh flab. Do a series of 30-50 crunches per day.
  7. Exercise some more. With knees and palms on the floor (doggy style), raise your leg in a 90º angle. Hold for 5 seconds, then repeat on the other leg. Do a series of 10 for each leg. If you can't hold it at the beginning, do only a series of 5.
  8. Train the Air-Bicycle. For this, lay down, with your back on the floor/leg and raise your legs until they make a 90º angle with the surface. do back and forward movements with your legs. Repeat at least for 5 minutes.
  9. Stand up straight, reach your leg from behind your back and hold you ankle for a minute. Do it one the other leg.
  10. Stand up straight and spread your legs wide, while you mantain a good posture. Reach your ankle with your hands and hold for 5 seconds. Do this on the other leg. Do a series of 20 in each leg. If you can't handle it at the beginning, do a series of 10.
  11. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs and reach your ankles like in the exercise above, but while sitting down. Do a series of 10 or 5.

    • With stomach on the floor, join your hands below your chin and stretch your legs in a parallel position to the floor. Lift legs from the hip to your toes in a 25º-45º angle, as well as your chest, arms and head.
    • With your back on the floor, hold your legs straight in a parallel position with the floor. Bent knees and raise legs to your chest, than low them back to the floor. Repeat 30-50 times.
  12. Stand up straight facing your bed or a low table, with 50 centimetres separating yourself from that object. Put your foot in the table or bed and bent over until your chest is pratically laying in yout thigh. Repeat 30-50 times.


  • Do this continually. Don't stop when you achieve your goal, and focus on mantaining your body.


  • Don't stop eating if you want to lose flab. Even very skinny girls have cellulite and flab, so don't considere anorexia as a shortcut.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Great Thighs. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

To find out even more exercises go to www.exercisesforinnerthighs.com
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posted by Greg Sadowski @ 9:27 PM  


  • At October 25, 2010 at 1:54 AM , Blogger RWR said...

    Here's my situation, I'm 38, 5' 7", and have always weight approx.129 lbs. +/- 1-2 lbs even in my teens, and have never been pregnant. 3 years ago I was under tons of stress work/traveled nearly every week from one coast to the other, I reached 152 lbs. Ouch! I gained the weight rather quickly, say within 18 mos. I had never been in a "real" diet before, so I went on a diet program offered in CA (I wont say the name because I'm not sure you would want me to), it was great, no special food or starving, & no drugs, it just teaches u how to eat the right foods together and portions, also 45 minutes of walking and making sure I did at least 10,000 steps everyday. At first it was a slow go losing only 1.5-2 lbs./week, but after first 10 lbs. came off the rest just seem like it was ready to go too. I started n February and by June I weighted 129 lbs. (my goal), but even after that I continued to lose weight kinda quickly and went down to 119 lbs., which then they put me on notice that if i lost any more weight I couldn't continue seeing them. I never even had to exercise, just walk my 10,000 step a day. It seemed completely weird to me, like did that really happen, did I lose 33 lbs.? No one had even thought I was fat when I started. I've easily kept the weight off and stay at a comfortable fluctuating 122-124 lbs. My PROBLEM is just in the last 18 or so months my inner thighs are droopy and wavy looking in that area (I won't say cellulite). I love my body shape even the shape of my thighs, everything "size" wise is perfect. I just need to know how to fix my droopy inner thighs, if possible. I think vie lost muscle, but tests just my guess. Can I build muscle in that area that will fill in the loose area (like stuffing my inner thigh with muscle to taught the skin) or will the droopy still appear even with muscle? Again I lime the size of my thighs they just seem like a deflating helium balloon.


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