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Exercises For Inner Thighs

For best results the correct exercises for inner thighs must be performed

Monday, September 21, 2009

Simple and Effective Exercises for Inner Thighs

To get results from exercising there really is no need to spend a lot of money and time at the gym.
Effective exercises for inner thighs and all your other lower body problem areas can actually be done at home. All you need is to know what you are doing.

Joey Atlas is one of the top women trainers. He went from being an over-worked gym trainer to an online fitness and weight loss-guru.

Joey Atlas “the womans trainer” has developed a program to teach women the correct exercises  for inner thighs, legs, hips and for the butt. www.exercisesforinnerthighs.com His unique program targets unwanted fat, flabbiness, lumpiness, unshapely and cellulite covered parts of the lower body. 
One of Joey’s crucial secrets is his focus on exercising the muscles correctly. This is very important because the incorrect exercises can often build muscle bulk right where you don't want it making trouble spots look worse and more pronounced. If you don't know what you are doing at the gym there is also a high possibility of serious injury.

The gym is great, but it depends on what you want to achieve. To build muscle, a gym is a great resource, but once again you need to have a plan and know what you are doing to get results. To tone up and get fit you really do not need access to a gym.

Many of you can probably relate to this, it has happened to me  a few times.
You get excited by the thought of losing weight, toning up or what ever it is that you want to achieve.  You join the gym and for a few weeks everything is going great. Then you skip a day here and there, suddenly you're finding it hard to convince yourself to get off your bum and make the effort to drive to the gym. Before you know it, you are still paying gym fees and you never go back.

Research shows that this trend is very common and it is usually due to two factors. Firstly, the actual effort it takes to attend the gym regularly proves to be too much for a lot of people to keep up. Secondly, many gym goers don't see the results they want and quickly get disheartened. 

With all his years as a top womans trainer, Joey has learnt  a lot about what gets visible and permanent results, and what is a waste of time and money. Through his experience the exercises he has developed are laser targeted, carefully structured, body weight exercises, that eliminate any need for machines or weights, allowing them to be performed anytime anywhere.

To see the exercises Joey has developed click on the image below or go to www.exercisesforinerthighs.com

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posted by Greg Sadowski @ 4:11 AM   0 Comments

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Exercises for Inner Thighs

How to Get Great Thighs

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Women like to have legs of steel, strong, toned and fat-less. Although, to accomplish your quest, you need determination and a good lifestyle. Read on.


  1. Accept challenges. In school or your job, don't use the elevator and climb the stairs. If there is any problem about your schedules, try to get up a little earlier.
  2. Have a good diet. Eat vegetables, and have a rich variety of food. Eat colorful dishes, full of protein, fibre and vitamins. Avoid fast-food, sugar and salt.
  3. Prevent cellulite. For the cellulite, drink 5-8 glasses of water per day. Remember that water is also present in soup, vegetables and fruit.
  4. Go jogging everyday if you can, at least for 20 minutes. If you don't have the time, try to go at least twice a week. Use comfortable clothes, and bring your water bottle to complete the step above.
  5. Exercise. When you are at home, do a short workout using your musics. Run, walk, do leg exercises in 20 minutes of music. Do this everyday and it will make the difference.
  6. Do squats. These are great to lose thigh flab. Do a series of 30-50 crunches per day.
  7. Exercise some more. With knees and palms on the floor (doggy style), raise your leg in a 90º angle. Hold for 5 seconds, then repeat on the other leg. Do a series of 10 for each leg. If you can't hold it at the beginning, do only a series of 5.
  8. Train the Air-Bicycle. For this, lay down, with your back on the floor/leg and raise your legs until they make a 90º angle with the surface. do back and forward movements with your legs. Repeat at least for 5 minutes.
  9. Stand up straight, reach your leg from behind your back and hold you ankle for a minute. Do it one the other leg.
  10. Stand up straight and spread your legs wide, while you mantain a good posture. Reach your ankle with your hands and hold for 5 seconds. Do this on the other leg. Do a series of 20 in each leg. If you can't handle it at the beginning, do a series of 10.
  11. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs and reach your ankles like in the exercise above, but while sitting down. Do a series of 10 or 5.

    • With stomach on the floor, join your hands below your chin and stretch your legs in a parallel position to the floor. Lift legs from the hip to your toes in a 25º-45º angle, as well as your chest, arms and head.
    • With your back on the floor, hold your legs straight in a parallel position with the floor. Bent knees and raise legs to your chest, than low them back to the floor. Repeat 30-50 times.
  12. Stand up straight facing your bed or a low table, with 50 centimetres separating yourself from that object. Put your foot in the table or bed and bent over until your chest is pratically laying in yout thigh. Repeat 30-50 times.


  • Do this continually. Don't stop when you achieve your goal, and focus on mantaining your body.


  • Don't stop eating if you want to lose flab. Even very skinny girls have cellulite and flab, so don't considere anorexia as a shortcut.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Great Thighs. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

To find out even more exercises go to www.exercisesforinnerthighs.com
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posted by Greg Sadowski @ 9:27 PM   1 Comments

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You're not alone, many more women out there want what you want. Is it worth it?

Research suggests that up to 50% of women in the US, at one point or another are trying to lose weight.
By the time they reach adulthood, an alarming percentage of women, up to 80%, are not happy with their bodies .
Quite scarilly this figure is much higher than it should ever be. The fact is, that we can place most of blame for this on the way, pretty much all aspects of the media, portray the 'average woman'.

You being the average woman, must realise that the women we see on television and magazines are paid to look the way they look. What I mean is, for example an actress may be exercising up to 3 hours per day everyday while being on a continuous diet. But what you need to realise is that doing all this, is her job, it is not just a lifestyle choice. Basically to be in that movie she must look a certain way, and sadly it is not a fair portrayal of an average woman.

The average woman does not have the time and money to committ all her effort to her physical appearance. (I bet that if you were paid millions to go to gym everyday rather than work, and be told exactly what to eat, you would have a body just like the movie stars and models. I guarantee it.)
But in reality that just will not happen for most of us.

I believe that, all the average person needs to do, is eat well and do enough exercise to keep fit. If you feel healthy, please learn to love your body, realise that you are a real woman and decide if the effort of going to the gym for hours everday is really worth looking like someone who represents the very minority of society.

If you do have a few problem areas on your body you want to improve, than rest assured, its not the end of the world and your problems are very fixable. You do not even need to spend hours at the gym. You can fix these problems by doing simple targeted exercises at home. Basically you want to tone these areas not build layers of muscle over them.

A program has been developed by a leading womens trainer that does exactly that. It specifically targets these problem areas, not just exercises for inner thighs but the whole lower body. You get a whole system teaching you the correct exercises for inner thighs, hips, legs, tummy and butt, without the need to access the gym.

Don't let what you see in the media make your life miserable. Do the best you can without being unrealistic.
Trust me, your friends, family, boyfriend or husdand dont obsess about how you look, its all in your head.

If you are interested in toning up and trying specifically targeted lower body exercises take a look at www.exercisesforinnerthighs.com and see if it is something that will work for you.
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posted by Greg Sadowski @ 1:00 AM   0 Comments